Skin Cancer in the UAE: Types, Risk Factors, and Prevention |

Skin Cancer in the UAE: Types, Risk Factors, and Prevention

In this guide, we'll take you through the various types of skin cancers, risk factors, and prevention tips

Posted on

7 November 2023

Last updated on 8 November 2023
Skin Cancer in the UAE: Types, Risk Factors, and Prevention

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is a type of cancer that affects the skin. It occurs when skin cells become damaged and grow uncontrollably, forming a mass of cancer cells.

It is essential to protect your skin from the sun and check it regularly for any unusual growths or changes in moles.

SEE ALSO: How to Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer in the UAE

Early detection and treatment can significantly improve the outcome of skin cancer. There are several types of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

While melanoma is less common, it poses a higher risk of invasion and metastasis, leading to more fatalities in skin cancer cases.

Types of Skin Cancers

1. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

The most common type of skin cancer is Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC).

  • It develops in fair-skinned individuals but can affect people with skin of colour.
  • Presents as flesh-colored growths, pearl-like bumps, or pinkish patches.
  • Typically linked to prolonged sun exposure or indoor tanning.
  • Commonly found on the head, neck, and arms.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent nerve and bone damage.
Signs of Basal Cell Carcinoma skin cancer

2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC):

  • It often affects individuals with light skin but can occur in those with darker skin.
  • Appears as red, firm bumps, scaly patches, or recurring sores.
  • Develops on sun-exposed areas such as the ears, face, neck, and arms.
  • Early detection and treatment are essential to prevent profound growth and spreading.
Signs of Squamous Cell Carcinoma skin cancer

3. Actinic Keratoses (AKs):

  • Precancerous skin growths.
  • Common among fair-skinned individuals.
  • Manifest as dry, scaly patches or spots on sun-exposed areas like the head, neck, hands, and forearms.
  • Require treatment due to the potential to progress to squamous cell carcinoma.
Signs of Actinic Keratoses skin cancer

4. Melanoma:

Melanoma is known as the most aggressive form of skin cancer.

  • It can develop within existing moles or appear suddenly as dark, irregular spots.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for improved outcomes.
Signs of Melanoma skin cancer

How to prevent skin cancer?

Preventing skin cancer involves avoiding risk and increasing protective factors. Some key points include:

  1. Avoiding ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure, a known risk factor for skin cancer.
  2. Using sunscreen and protective clothing outdoors. However, their effectiveness in preventing non-melanoma skin cancer is uncertain.
  3. Early diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Acknowledging that skin cancer risk is influenced by factors such as complexion, genetics, and sun exposure history.
  5. Being aware that risk factors for non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers may differ.

Skin cancer is a prevalent disease with various types and risk factors. While prevention efforts are vital, early detection through regular screenings remains crucial.

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Public awareness, proper sun protection, and ongoing research are essential components in reducing the impact of skin cancer.

For consultations about skin cancer with an expert doctor, please get in touch below.

Dr. Kamil Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre
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