Hotels in Oman Prepare to Welcome Guests Again with Safety Measures |

Hotels in Oman Prepare to Welcome Guests Again with Safety Measures

The Oman Ministry of Tourism issued a list of safety precautions that hotels must follow upon reopening to the public.

Posted on

15 July 2020

Last updated on 15 July 2020
Hotels in Oman Prepare to Welcome Guests Again with Safety Measures

Omani hotels to reopen with strict health and safety measures for guests and employees

Oman continues to take cautious steps into a post-COVID world. Hotels in Oman are set to reopen to the public, but the sultanate won't be taking the new freedom for granted.

Hospitality employees have returned to hotels as a semblance of civic life returns to the country.

The Ministry of Tourism announced mandatory safety precautions that must be followed by hotels and guests.

SEE ALSO: Latest Travel and Tourism Measures Announced in Oman

The occupancy rate has also been reduced as hotels will not be taking in 100% of their usual guest capacity. Some hotels have closed public pools for now.

As hotels open their doors once again, and if you're travelling to Oman any time soon, here are the list of steps you must follow.

Safety precautions in Oman hotels

The guidelines were issued by Oman's Supreme Committee in an effort to keep hotel staff and guests safe from COVID-19.

  • Mandatory temperature checks for hotel staff
  • Random COVID-19 tests for employees
  • Regular handwashing and use of hand sanitisers