Oman To Implement A ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Policy |

Oman To Implement A ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Policy

This a huge break in the medical field in the Sultanate of Oman

Posted on

7 November 2018

Last updated on 7 November 2018
Do Not Resuscitate

A DNR might be changing the medical field in Oman

Huge news for Oman residents was released on Tuesday as reports claim that Oman is in the talks to implement a new ‘do not resuscitate’ policy for patients in the country.

The new national document will include specific guidelines for cases that fall under the DNR category, which will be released soon.

Patients whose heart ceases or who have stopped breathing overall can be applicable to the DNR policy.

However, these efforts from the Ministry of Health in Oman are implemented in efforts to ethically avoid any more harm done to patients who cannot be brought back to life or revived.

This new policy will be regarded as an act of compassion by medical doctors in Oman if granted the green light to be implemented by hospitals.

What is a DNR procedure?

DNR, or ‘do not resuscitate,’ means that the procedure of administering CPR on a person who is losing a heartbeat and are going into an unresponsive condition/state.

It is usually done with a patient has stopped breathing or his/her heart stops beating.

This new policy, however, will allow doctors and paramedics to asses the situation of whether or not CPR will apply more harm and actually bring the patient back to live.

And if not – then they are instructed not to intervene and resuscitate the patient.

Why is this DNR policy important?

A DNR policy is important for doctors not to implement more harm or pain on a patient – this applies to CPR, chest compressions and other treatments that can be daunting to revive a patient’s body.

In general, there is less than a 10% chances of patients to make it out alive after undergoing CPR – and even by the most experienced doctors.

And those numbers are said to decrease outside of a hospital setting.

It’s important to note that a DNR policy will not mean that doctors will abandon the patient – they will just have to access the situation and come to the conclusion if CPR will actually harm him or her.

A DNR procedure will also only be done after speaking with the patient’s family to reach a final decision regarding the DNR.