Reasons to Learn Arabic |

Reasons to Learn Arabic

Do we still need to learn Arabic while living & working in Qatar? ExpatWoman has developed a list of reasons to learn Arabic.

Posted on

24 January 2012

Last updated on 15 June 2017
Reasons to Learn Arabic

When living and working in a foreign country, being able to communicate in the local language always makes day-to-day business easier and the whole experience much more enjoyable.

The Arabic Language Centre has developed a Top 10 list of reasons to learn Arabic:

1) To communicate using the local language – this provides a sense of satisfaction when you can converse with locals, read signs, do your business with the various government Ministries, watch local TV and digest local magazines and newspapers.

2) Keep the brain active – research suggests that throughout our lives we should keep our brains mentally active to strengthen the brain cells and the connections between them. Learning a new language helps with memory and understanding.

3) Invest in yourself: learn a new skill – get a sense of fulfilment by learning and accomplishing something which you have an interest in. Give yourself the time to pursue an activity purely for your own pleasure and development.

4) Meeting new people – joining a language course is a great way to meet people with similar interests, particularly if you are new to Qatar, or looking to expand your current social circle. It is also a potential networking opportunity to make new business contacts.

5) Increased job opportunities – get a competitive advantage by having an additional language skill. Many recruitment advertisements stipulate Arabic as a required skill, so set yourself apart from the competition with Arabic on your CV. This is a huge benefit to many businesses in Dubai. Not only does this provide a great skill to a potential employer, it also demonstrates commitment.

6) Improve your existing job – striving for a promotion or to just be able to excel at your current role, learning a new language could potentially open many doors you are not aware of and even earn you a pay increase. Communicating with colleagues, stakeholders and clients in Arabic also provides a great sense of satisfaction.

7) Help your children with their homework – get a sense of pride and accomplishment that you can help your children if they are struggling with their Arabic homework. It will also boost their ability if they can get extra help at home.

8) Maximise your cultural experience – if you can read, write and speak the language, which is rich, beautiful and romantic, you will have a much greater appreciation and understanding of the culture.

9) Communicate when you travel – Arabic is such a popular language. Knowledge of the language will enable you to communicate when you are travelling, particularly around the Arabian region.

10) Keep the language alive – sharing knowledge of the language with others and future generations will keep it thriving.