JPS Jumeirah Primary School: When to register for Sep 2015? Keep hearing different things |

JPS Jumeirah Primary School: When to register for Sep 2015? Keep hearing different things

Latest post on 09 February 2014 - 16:50

Hi ladies,
DD will start FS1 in Sep 2015, and so far Wellington and DESS have told me they will take names just one year before - JESS and Kings are full :(

Anyways, JPS has said on the phone on 3 different occasions that they will only register her one year before, but some mums have told me that JPS takes names before one year.

Is this true? JPS is my top choice school so I'm really confused as to why they would say on the phone just 1 year before if that's not true? Does anyone have their kids on JPS registration list?

Help appreciated!

Latest post on 01 May 2014 - 16:49
Hi, I think most people say to apply ASAP because before schools would take registration at any time whereas now GEMS has changed their policy and only takes one year before. Others like JESS, Horizon etc will accept before so you could apply now. I have my heart set on JPS as do some other 800 dubai mums! We should start a support group to update each other as soon as registration opens :)
Latest post on 28 April 2014 - 22:42
Hi Sabdallah Sorry but you will be unlikely to get an FS1 place for Sept 2014 in the more established schools. Places will have already been offered and there will also be some on waiting lists. You will probably have to try one of the new schools if you want a place for Sept 2014 or maybe have your child attend a nursery for FS1 and try to get in for FS2.
Latest post on 13 April 2014 - 00:38
Try JPS in October, usually early October is when the GEMS schools open up. With regards to people saying that they they take names before one year, this is usually only those who are on the wait list from the year before. When children do pass the assessment the year before but are not offered a place, they ask you if you want to keep your child's name for the next year. From personal experience, I would not have my child's name down for only DESS, always have a plan B. We applied to four schools for our daughter for FS1 September 2014 and got offered places in two (one of which, DESS, we were first placed on a the waiting list). Two of the schools took application fees although they did not have places (even though we applied within the first two days of them opening up applications). One of those schools was JPS. Good luck to you both, and my advice would be, do not rely on just one or even two applications even if you are told there are places.
Latest post on 09 February 2014 - 18:18
Hiya I'm in the same boat for DD! I've looked at those exact same schools as well. JESS pretty much only take on company debenture students now, King's full for a while. DESS should be accepting or maybe not anymore. I gave the application in mid Jan. JPS I've checked so many times, I don't really feel bothered anymore. I only have her down in DESS which obviously isn't ideal just in case she doesn't get in for whatever reason, but I can't be bothered checking JPS anymore I've done it so many times! I decided that once and for all I'll just check one last time upcoming Sept and that's it!