Emergency Medical Response in Vietnam | ExpatWoman.com

Emergency Medical Response in Vietnam

The emergency and accident service in Vietnam that's available in both English and Vietnamese

Posted on

19 August 2019

Last updated on 19 August 2019
Emergency Medical Response in Vietnam

Keep the Vietnam emergency medical response number at hand when in the country

Emergencies are unpredictable. Everyday emergencies while in Vietnam can include a traffic jam caused by a motor accident, a case of food poisoning after eating something dubiously prepared from the streets, or near-drowning while swimming on vacation.

In case you may find yourself in an emergency, you'll want to be prepared and waste minimal time for the Emergency Medical Response team to arrive. Keep the following medical emergency numbers saved on your phone and in memory when you're in Vietnam.

Emergency Medical Response (EMR): ∗9999 or (08) 3822 0121

The ∗9999 hotline is a 911-style emergency medical response service in English as well as Vietnamese.

It activates an immediate response with the earliest possible ambulance dispatch and medical guidance during the call.

What is the Vietnam Emergency Medical Response

An emergency response team that must be called in case of a life-threatening emergency. It's styled after the 911 system in the U.S and is certified by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED).

Are EMR services available to subscribers only

Subscribers and non-subscribers can dial the emergency number ∗9999 or (08) 3822 0121.

However, subscribers will have unlimited and free ambulance transportation anywhere within the HCMC coverage zone. Non-subscribers who call will be charged for ambulance services.

There's no limit to the number of emergency calls you can make to the EMR service.

What is the EMR coverage area

The Vietnam Emergency Medical Response team covers districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, Phu Nhuan, Binh Thanh, Go Vap and Tan Binh.

Why you should call EMR and not a taxi

If you're a non-subscriber, you might be considering getting public transportation instead of shouldering the ambulance costs if you avail EMR's services.

The benefits of using the ∗9999 services are:

  • Life-saving medical advice from health professionals is available immediately from when you call and describe the situation
  • Treatment and medical care will be administered the moment EMR team members arrive and en route to a medical facility
  • The ambulances are equipped with medical supplies and are similar to mobile care units, staffed by licensed healthcare professionals
  • The team in the ambulance keep constant communication with the nearest medical facility, so on-site staff are well-informed before arrival

    What can you expect when you dial ∗9999

    A lot of questions, but don't let it frustrate it as it's standard protocol.

    The series of questions you'll be asked is compiled from research on decades of emergency response experience from around the world.

    Answer the call-taker's questions accurately and calmly and then you will receive medical advice and instruction. If your answers indicate that immediate medical attention is needed, EMR will dispatch an ambulance to your location.

    It's important to give your name, exact location, and phone number in case the call-taker needs to contact you again. Describe the condition you're in or the person who's facing an emergency, with a focus on the relevant details. The more accurate and clear your answers are, the easier it will be for you to receive life-saving information and the faster the ambulance can reach you, increasing the chances of the patient's survival.

    Once the ambulance arrives, the patient will be taken to a medical centre based on proximity and whether the facility can accommodate and is relative to the patient's condition.