Would You Dare? The World's Glass Bottom Attractions | ExpatWoman.com

Would You Dare? The World's Glass Bottom Attractions

China has recently opened the world's highest glass bottom bridge... Would you dare to walk on it?

Posted on

22 August 2016

Last updated on 18 October 2017
Would You Dare? The World's Glass Bottom Attractions

A lot of people will get a knot in their stomach at the thought of climbing step ladders, never mind walking across a high bridge.

Take the height - the highest in the world, in fact - and a glass bottom and you've got yourself an absolutely thrillingly terrifying experience to endure... Thanks to China! 

The world's highest and longest glass-bottom bridge recently opened in China's beautiful Zhangjiajie mountains, inviting the first daring visitors to cross with jaw-dropping scenes around (and beneath) them. 

If you're eager to embrace the vertigo, ditch the stillettos (which are automatically banned from going near this bridge), you can do so for the affordable price of 138 yuan ($20)! We're sure you won't be alone in feeling scared, along with the 8,000 people that are able to cross the bridge each day. 

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The bridge was designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan, allowing visitors to see beneath them for up to 300m below... Eek! 

China's highest and longest glass-bottomed bridge joins a group of already world-renowned and thrilling experiences. Just take a look at where else you can surpress your rational mind with irrational fear...

Would You Dare? The World's Glass-Bottomed Attractions

Grand Canyon Skywalk

There's no denying that wherever you are near the Grand Canyon, the views are spectacular but none are as thrilling as looking through the flass walkway that juts out over the Canyon's western rim. This horseshoe-shaped pathway is suspended 4,000 feet above the canyon floor. It's a great spot for a proposal, guys.

Would You Dare? The World's Glass-Bottomed Attractions

CN Tower

At this attraction, there's only two and a half inches of glass separating you from the city of Toronto 1,122 feet below. If you're not thrilled enough by standing on the glass, you could even take a walk along the CN Tower's EdgeWalk, which is a five-foot-wide platform on the outside of the building; no handrails, just a harness. 

Would You Dare? The World's Glass-Bottomed Attractions

Tokyo Skytree

This place was the tallest building in the world (for a little while) when it opened in May 2012. The Tokyo Skytree offers a sprawling view of Tokyo and Mount Fuji beyond. Its main observation deck is 1,148 feet high, and there's a section of glass flooring that gives you the feeling you're floating over the city. 

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Would You Dare? The World's Glass-Bottomed Attractions

Glacier Skywalk

Promising a perfect balance of breathtaking views, interpretive story-telling and adrenaline-pumping excitement, the Canadaian Rockie's Glacier SkyWalk is not for the faint hearted. The curved walkway extends 100 feet from the edge of a cliff, holding steady at 918 feet above the Sunwapta Valley. 

Would You Dare? The World's Glass-Bottomed Attractions

Step Into the Void ("Aiguille du Midi Skywalk")

Nestled in the French Alps, this one isn't quite glass-bottomed... More, glass box. Visitors with that little bit of extra courage can enter the glass cube the size of a phone both, which extends off the edge of Aiguille du Midi. The elevation? A whopping 12,605 feet in the air. Brave visitors will see Mount Blanc and other alpine peaks.