Expat Interview: Donna Gray - ExpatWoman's Handy Helper | ExpatWoman.com

Expat Interview: Donna Gray - ExpatWoman's Handy Helper

Meet Donna, she is our receptionist who is always running around and helping the rest of us here at ExpatWoman

Posted on

14 September 2015

Last updated on 26 October 2017
Expat Interview: Donna Gray - ExpatWoman's Handy Helper

Where were you born?
Portsmouth, UK.

I’m living in:

A bit about me:
After completing my education I began working in jobs that did not really suit my qualities nor did they really have any future. I was given an opportunity to move to Dubai to try something different and see where this would take me and what I could learn from being in a new country. The longest time that I had spent away from the UK was 2 weeks  and in less than a week I had to pack up my life and move to another country  so I was very anxious needless to say.

What is your role at ExpatWoman?
I am an administrative assistant.

administrative assistant

How long have you been working here?
5 months.

What do you like most about your job?
In my job I am required to visit various places to  perform office duties, I love getting out of the office and seeing Dubai and getting to know the law regarding visas, employment and immigration.

How would you describe the ExpatWoman office?
The team is a nice size, not crowded or too sparse.  You will always find help if you need it and there is often lunch outings which is great opportunity to mingle.

Have you worked abroad before?
No- This is my first time.

How long have you lived in Dubai?
5 months.

SEE ALSO: Guide to Dubai 

Have you always wanted to live/work abroad?

Yes but in the USA 

Why I like living here:
No rain, I love the all year round pools and gyms. The hospitality is outstanding.


What do you enjoy doing with your time?
I am easy going; I enjoy most things that get me out of the house.

What top tips do you have for anyone considering a move?
Save lots of money before you go. Things to spend money on just keep cropping up!

What do you wish you’d known before you moved?
The cost of living, especially housing.

Is there any where you would like to live that you have not explored?
There are Many places that I would like to experience so much more.

Where is your favourite place to visit for a vacation?

What’s the best thing about being an expat? 
The knowledge and experiences  that I have gained that will forever remain as my history.

How do you keep a little bit of home with you as an expat?
Maintaining my identity, it is easy to lose yourself  his fast paced city.

Anything else you’d like to share with us about your expat experience?
There are times that things do get tough, especially emotionally when you away from everything that you know; but just remember that this adventure is not permanent  and one day you will be looking back reminiscing over the good times.