10 Biggest Celebrity Photoshop Fails | ewmoda

10 Biggest Celebrity Photoshop Fails

No one is perfect, not even celebrities.

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13 March 2017

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video credit: @TheTalko

We live in a world where celebrities are the be all and end all of beauty. Celebs look perfect and some never seem to age (we're looking at you JLo). However, what most people don't realise is that despite having nutritionists. dieticians, personal trainers, makeup artists, hairstylists, dermatologists and basically an entire village to make them look good, celebrity images are STILL retouched.

Even though photoshopping creates a false reality, it has become common practice. People, however, are starting to call out photoshopping and showcasing how celebs are idealised. @TheTalko has compiled a list of the biggest celebrity photoshop fails that helps us to remember that no one is perfect, not even celebrities.